Thelma & Louise is the perfect picture of a queerplatonic partnership.
I watched Thelma & Louise this weekend with Geena Davis & Susan Sarandon. Thelma & Louise are a perfect representation of an asexual, queerplatonic partnership to me.
I'm aromantic asexual, not heartless & cold. I want relationships and love like anyone else. I just want my relationships to be like Thelma & Louise, friends for life.
Thelma & Louise's relationship is my ideal kind of relationship. It's such a deep relationship, you'd believe they're kindred spirits. Their relationship is platonic, and they love each other more than anyone in the world. Unto death.
Relationships like Thelma & Louise prove that a relationship doesn't have to involve sex to be significant. A platonic relationship is a loving relationship.
So often we forget the power of friendship because we exalt romance to such an extreme degree. We say "Just Friends", as if to say a person isn't important enough a person or doesn't count as significant. We call someone who's buddies with someone as being "friend-zoned".
CS Lewis spoke of 4 different loves, one of which was Philia (friendship).
C.S. Lewis said this about friendship. “Those who cannot conceive of Friendship as a substantive love but only as a disguise or elaboration of Eros betray the fact that they have never had a Friend.”
We often forget the power that comes from a good friendship like Thelma & Louise. However, for me as an asexual person, friendships count as essential.
They'll probably never see this, but thank you, Geena Davis & Susan Sarandon for beautifully portraying platonic partnerships and showing there's love without romance. Now, this aromantic asexual guy has confidence he'll find relationships in the same vein.
"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words." —C.S. Lewis
—Songbird 💜♠️🏹🂡
Stay Fierce. Stay Fly