I did an interview with Queerner, a new app dedicated to amplifying LGBTQIA+ voices and conducting interviews. It’s an excellent app, and I loved the interview.
I answered 58 questions (a whole lot). You can read my whole interview here:
I want to make sure this is clarified before I get any comments on this.
Yes, asexuality has to do with experiencing little to no sexual attraction. That being said, I always say it like this regarding me: my not experiencing sexual attraction and my feeling uninclined towards participating in sex work in concert as a confluence. The two factors basically work in perfect tandem for me. I don’t experience attraction sexually, and I hope to never have sex ever. I am just not interested in that, being sex-repulsed also. The lack of attraction feeds into that, and they both are huge factors into how I experience asexuality.
So, I just wanted to clarify that.
Stay fierce, stay fly.
—Songbird 💜♠️🏹🂡